Minecraft Name: Jason1964 Suggestion: The limit of 5 people in a conversation should be raised, to 10, and the gold limit to 30. Reason: Personally, I'm running Transparent Toaster Inc. The company is getting larger, and I can't invite everyone to a forum conversation anymore. It's extremely annoying to want to tell 6 people things, and you can only fit 5. Also, the server population is getting larger and larger, this is why we need an increase. Any Other Information: None. Link To This Plugin: Forums.
I was unaware of this... Why is the gold limit 25? I still think the normal limit needs to be raised, since the gold limit is 25, I could settle for 10.
One of the few perks of the gold is the raised limit. That and you have a 1,000 size inbox, which personally sounds fantastic. I don't think the regular limit needs to be raised, I think more people need to consider getting forum gold. It is certainly on my list . I have to clear my inbox out frequently because I hit the 100 limit weekly. Revanrose6
I never have more then 10 in my mail, usually 3-4. But you are a super mod and you must get a lot. I still think 25 is a low limit for gold. And I still really need more then 5. It's a low limit for normal.
I really don't understand why there is a limit at all, it's a PM, I never need a limit to the number of PM"s i can send in-game.
There is a limit on group conversations so that trolls do not go around and send messages to large groups.. Or as far as I can tell, that is a reason. However, maybe a 10 limit for non-Gold users and a 30 limit for Gold? Overall I think 5 is good and people should invest to get what they need. The community is steadily increasing, though, so maybe an adjustment could work.
I'd like it increased myself too, but I want to mention something. Not everyone has a credit card or Paypal or pre-paid card etc., and not everyone can even try to get those. So forum gold is not possible for everyone and thusly the non-gold limit should be increased at least a little bit.
You could always buy Forum Gold through another player with ecodollars, therefore it is in fact possible for everyone. I like the idea but feel that it should be kept as it is to encourage users to buy Forum Gold and help the server. Though perhaps a small limit raise is a good idea.
Oh, well then I think there should definitely be an increase, or even a way for it to change so that access to the account is not required.
I had thought of that, but trolls can be stopped after one or two attempts. Tbh, more people they add the faster they get reported. And I can't invest with 5. I can only invest in five. Not higher. And the community increasing is also a grand reason to add this. I don't use skype at all, although I know a lot of people do. As always more forum traffic is good. So we need more people using this function.
Going to bump this again. I still think it needs to be added. And I would like to hear more feedback.
I agree, I had to send the same message 3 times because I was trying to talk to all the members in my town. I think it should be raised to at LEAST 10. The cap is extremely tedious sometimes when you're trying to get the word out to multiple people. But, I do think you could donate for Gold via other members of ECC offering donation features. I haven't experimented with this myself, but you could probably change your password before the transaction, and once the player donates you change it back. (If that's breaking a rule tell me, I just think it COULD work)