Suggestion for Town Claiming

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ZanderMan9, Aug 14, 2013.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes!

    0 vote(s)
  2. No...

  3. Perhaps with a few tweaks.

  1. ZanderMan9

    ZanderMan9 Builder
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    Aug 13, 2013
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    I was asking my town's mayor about how towns are claimed, and then I realized that the server is not using the most effective plugin. The Regions (rg) plugin is not effective for towns. Sub-Claims cannot be created. Sub-Claims would allow mayors to trust residents of their town in only their plot, and not the whole town, therefore preventing grief for the most part. A more effective plugin is (mind you, I don't know the actual name of this plugin, but it should be very easy to find) one that allows areas to be claimed using a gold shovel. You simply right-click on one corner of the area, then the other corner. You can use /subdivideclaims and then you can use the gold shovel the same manner to create subdivisions. You can also use /trust /accesstrust /mtrust and /ctrust, each allows players specified to do certain things. /trust will allow them to build and use doors and chests. /accesstrust will allow them to use doors and beds, /ctrust will allow them to use chests, and /mtrust allows them to manage the size of claims and subdivisions. Using any of these in a subdivision will allow only the level of access for the subdivision, however using it outside of a subdivision will allow them that level of trust to the entire claim. This would certainly prevent anyone in the town from griefing the entire town.
  2. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
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    Jan 3, 2013
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    There is no need for subdivisions.
  3. Vintage_Gamer

    Vintage_Gamer Builder
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    Jun 18, 2013
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    This wouldnt work if you had a public farm in the town. Then that would be a seperate region therfore you would need to add the play to 2 regions weather as now you just add them to the town. But i think the idea would help the greif problem and also stop the investigator donation :/
  4. CordialBacon

    CordialBacon Builder
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    Jun 14, 2011
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    No. I've used this plugin before and to be quite honest, it SUCKS. REALLY SUCKS. It's great if it's a freebuild server with NO towns, but if you have major town server like this that's just a plain hassle to go about transferring every single town (Most of which likely have inactive owners) just for a small thing like subdivisions. Also, that plugin has a cap on the amount of blocks you can claim at one point in time, so you can only claim something small like a 15 x 15 unless you buy more blocks for tons of money.

    How is Andrew supposed to know when someone has protected a big town area? How is he supposed to know to make that person mayor? Exactly, he can't. It's much too complicated and frankly, not worth it for the slightest bit. Also, with what I know, Andrew COULD create subdivisions with WorldGaurd, he just won't because it takes waaayy too much time. (I know he makes some sort of subdivision for the Spawn Market so users aren't going around griefing..)

    Even if this were implemented (Which I know, it likely never will be) the ranks such as Mayor, and President, would cease to exist. Would all presidents want to be bumped down to resident because some stupid new plugin came in and made everything change? I didn't think so. I don't think Andrew would be willing to refund the billions of dollars people have spent on president as well. It's simply too much of a hassle and would likely change the whole entire town system workings and rankings. (Not to mention changing the entire economy..)

    It would likely end up removing several ranks because he would have no way of regulating or knowing if someone protected a big area. (Also, someone could protect more than a 200 x 200, which would be bad.) Would you like Mayor, President, Tycoon, Ecoleader, etc., removed..? Probably not. He would have to think of a whole new ranking system to even work with this, new permissions, and possibly have khobbits or the like code the thing for him starting from the basic layout already there in order to even make it work in the slightest. It's too much of a big project for a small thing like subdivisions. It's not happening, not now, not 3 years from now, unless Andrew somehow decides he wants to work on the biggest project ever and the biggest upset to the entire community.

    TL; DR: It's not happening, not now, not ever. Too many complications for such a small thing.

    Sorry for wall of text.
  5. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
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    I feel BLT has a lot of good point. Those aside, I feel there are further issues at hand, if this was to be used for the purpose of a mayor claiming a town.

    Each and every town you purchase from the server costs more than the last one. This only works because andrewkm can keep track of how many he's sold you via the forum and then add the new cost for the next town. ie: Mayor = 85k President = 180k Town 3= 220k Town 4= 270k so on and so forth.

    If you were to put in a system that allowed anyone Resident and above to personally claim their own land it would utterly decimate that system.

    Further, we have zoning laws. These laws state that you cannot have a new town within 15 blocks of a preexisting without the permission from the preexisting mayor/president/town owner. How would this be regulated with this system?

    The only way a system like this could even be considered is if our current plugin was to have a system added to it that would allow us to keep the good of our current system and only add to it.

    IE: Lets say I am a Resident and am buying mayor for the first time. I apply, just as before, for andrewkm to make me a town. Then, he takes the 85k out of my balance and my bright shiny new town is there now. Then and only then would the separate permission system come into place.

    Then we would have a new system of permissions, where you as the mayor, have the ability to create regions within your own land, name them, and add people to them. How would this work?

    My mayor town will be used as an example. The town is WolfValley. So, lets say I go to WolfValley, and I create 3 regions, using whatever system, within wolfvalley. There are now 4 total regions. I can now do the command

    /rg addmember wolfvalley Core_Diver

    This gives core perms to everything in Wolf Valley.

    Then there would be a secondary option.

    /rg addmember Wolfvalley:area1 Skylexia

    This would give Skylexia perms only to the area of area1 within WolfValley.

    At this point Core would have perms to area1 by having perms to all of WolfValley, where as Skylexia would have perms only to area1.

    Long story short, This is the only way I see this working.

    #5 Revanrose6, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
  6. ZanderMan9

    ZanderMan9 Builder
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    Aug 13, 2013
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    The ranks would not have to be eliminated. It could be set so that only moderators can claim an area (as it is now) and mayors and up could apply to have a town claimed, then get permission to manage the town. This would fix the issues that you speak of, plus, yes, eliminate the grief problem. It would allow mayors to set up subdivisions on their own but not entire towns. Moderators would have the ability to have max claimblocks. So all these problems are eliminated. Regions can be kept, and only new towns will be claimed this way. Or if a mayor wants a town switched over they can apply for that to be done by staff. This covers all the problems you say exist, and won't REALLY be so much of a hassle.
  7. ZanderMan9

    ZanderMan9 Builder
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    Aug 13, 2013
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    I just wanted to state that no one has comment on this since my last comment, so i want to bring the thread back to attention. I really hope something like this can be implemented so that the grief issue will be a thing of the past.
  8. dork1877

    dork1877 Builder
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    Jul 29, 2013
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    Any logistical reasons why this couldn't happen?

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
  9. kukelekuuk

    kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    Each region has to be saved, all those regions are basically 1 line in a text file, each line has to be indexed and saved into memory on start-up.
    We already have around 2500 mayor towns, plus another 500 president towns and 50 pvp arenas, 30 warps to the mining world, 4 different spawn protections, and then there's the shop area. This totals to around 3085 regions, from which 3000 are towns.

    Now, let's assume the average size of a town is 180 (there are lots of 200x200 towns, but also a fair bit of smaller towns)
    The average plot size would be around 15x15, you can fit 144 of those in one region, now, this is an exact fit. So let's assume 30 block per axis are just roads. and then maybe a spawnbuilding in the center, let's say this is 4 plots big. This comes down to 10 plots per axis, so 10x10=100 plots per town, minus the center structure this would be 96 regions, including the town itself this is 97 regions per town.

    the 3,000 regions quickly turn into 291,000 regions, this is WAY too much for a saving to a file, actually, way to much to save in memory, too. The regions get saved in a list, iterating through a list with 3,000 values is no problem and will be done within a fraction of a second. But imagine iterating through a list with 291,000 values, it would be considerable slower. It would make like no difference if it only does it once, BUT, it would iterate through that list EVERY TIME someone breaks a block or types /rg info, that's multiple times a second. Imagine the server freezing up every second because people break blocks and type /rg info.
    Oh the horror..
    #9 kukelekuuk, Aug 18, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013
  10. ZanderMan9

    ZanderMan9 Builder
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    Aug 13, 2013
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    And what does this have to do with my suggestion, kuke? I'm not talking about increasing the number of regions by putting smaller regions within them I'm talking an entirely different plugin that manages large amounts of claims well.
  11. kukelekuuk

    kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    It works according to the same principle. Only the system we currently have is more efficient.