We should have a annual forum sign up thread when Andrew does a huge snipe chest. It could be maybe 20 people at a time to cause no lag. He should really do this
I experience no lag, and a snipe for a selected a few, doesn't sound that fair. I think most are willing to brave some small lag for free items, I saw no one complaining when I held a snipe yesterday.
I don't want a forum sign up tbh. But a worldTP in an empty town would work. But what about normal people snipes? Those would still lag.
I thought the whole point of the suggestion was for a new snipe box? Having it at spawn wouldn't fix the lag.
Most people who sign up would never even be online when Andrew held snipes (and Andrew time is like Valve time...nothing ever happens exactly when he says it will). In the end, it would be too confusing to choose people from the next... "batch" to take up for those who could not manage to be online. As well, if Andrew is trying to keep to the spirit of ECC's history, it would be readily available to anyone who is around. However, another town somewhere would be a good idea. I believe the user market is one of those cases, so maybe a town with Snipe Box and some other silly mini-games. Like the Gift Box he once had (throwing random items in a room, people ran to get them), chicken killing (although feathers were unobtainable then), etc.