Dear Andrewkm, this is Vegocoke a fellow dedicated ECCer writing to ask if you could possibly re add the ability of World edit. I know in the past people have toyed with you by asking you if you could make them farms or what have you but thats not what I'm asking for. I am asking you to re add World edit with certain rule changes of what can be World edited and into what it is World edited. In my case all I want to be World edited is my town into all dirt, cobble, gravel, and or sand because lava and water become a nuisance and I could care less about ores.I have tried to work on my town but it's not about being time consuming it's just to much work but at least if the whole region was composed of a single entity it would be a bit easier on my behalf to take on the task. Also it would be best for the server if it is done in sections because it does not matter to me if it is done all in one go. Thank You for your time and Thank You for running such a great server.
I've been flatting my town long enough and its still not done :/ I really would love to invest on this so i can just get it done. great idea vego
Indeed I think it's an amazing idea. Even if you cannot do it because of lag you could do something like once a month you would fulfill worldedit requests. Or you could do them during off time or during server maintenance.
I like this idea, but again, many users would be frustrated by the lag it causes, even if only 30-40 users are on. They would feel like they couldn't do anything during those times. Not to mention "off time" is around 3-6 am Andrew's time, at which point I'm sure he'd rather be sleeping than doing world edits.
When andrewkm did the World-Edits, he would shutdown the server for a couple minutes (maybe more!), then no one would really lag afterwards. Due to the livemap being removed there wouldn't be much lag with World-Edits coming back. But, great opinion.
The livemap only remove the regular lag we have. Worldedits will still create a massive amount of lag.