Minecraft Name: jackaluss77 Suggestion: To lower the chance of counter attack Reason: I and a few others have been discussing this and we have come to a conclusion the Counter Attack needs a nerf. With 3point14mp's 33.3% counter attack, he CAN (we have tested this) kill people in protection 4 armor without even hitting them with his actual sword. This in my opinion needs to be changed. It is too powerful. Any Other Information: I know some people have spent a long time training sword skill, but I think it still needs at least a small nerf Link To This Plugin: Not needed
You also have to take into consideration that he has a sword level of 756 I believe. He's earned that counter-attack rate. If you want to compete with it better, then train your swords. That's what I've been doing.
I fully agree with a nerf but no removal. If jackaluss is correct and 3point can kill people without fighting back, why fight him? We should be able to kill or it ruins pvp more than anything else. He may have trained swords to get their but many people trained disarm and that was removed completely not just nerfed which is what we are asking for. I think counter attacks chance for everyone should be reduced by half if that is possible because then everyone is effected, so although 3point loses out so do people with lower swords and he keep an advantage but has to use pvping ability more than simply standing still and killing people.