Minecraft Name:vengfulbacon Suggestion:fishing rod skill in pvp Reason:its fun, and could add more mcmmo challenges Any Other Information:a whole bunch of people went into mining world and started hitting each other with fishing rods, and it was a whole lot of fun, but it does hardly any damage. it should be allowed to be a mcmmo skill and do more damage like unarmed does. Link To This Plugin: we already have it, mcmmo
Mcmomo is the pluging I dont think they can edit it. Plus They can only turn Mcmomo stuff off. And the fishing mcmomo skill is not for hitting people it's for accually fishing.
ok i understand that, but i dont want the fishing skill in (even though that would be ok to have) i want is as a skill like swords, or bows.
And you can pull items out of their inventory or armor off. I would rather have improvised weapons where you can slap people with fish. THAT would be hilarious.