Minecraft Name: jrg5978 Suggestion: Autofishing is made illegal and fish prices are raised back to $50. Reason: Auto fishing should be made illegal because there is no work involved. All you have to do is just sit at your computer (Because afk autofishing is illegal) and youll just keep catching fish. That is why the prices were droped to $10 each to make it less profitable to them but at the same time also makes it less profitable to fishers who dont autofish. This is unfair that you can make the same amount of money as someone who works harder then you by acctually fishing and not just sitting back and watching the game fish for you. And if autofishing was made illegal then fish should just go back to 50, like it was before everyone started autofishing. Any Other Information: I dont see why autofishing is even legal. If there is a reason please leave a reply. Link To This Plugin: Already have it.
Autofishing can't be stopped, we can't check for every single person on the server to see if they're autofishing. If we could easily spot autofishers then this would've been done so a long time ago, but it's just not possible.
Well then just autofishing yourself..... Lol that might sound stupid but your complaining about the fact that autofishers do less work than non autofishers, then why not autofish yourself and do less work? Tons of people say they want autofish banned just so they can get the price back up to $50, the harsh reality is that they don't care who works harder because of the autofishing mod. ( No accusation intended) Currently I have no position on the ban of autofishing,but I will never support raising the price of fish over $20 This is a very interesting suggestion and I want to see the view of others Bai
Autofishing may be the bane of people that want the prices to go higher but the fact of the matter is that people are really lazy and if they can make money doing nothing but sitting in front of their computer while watching a film on another screen or television they'll do it. Personally I have too much pride to stoop so low as to autofish; however people who just want money don't care about pride or dignity, they only care for money. Also currently no real reasonable way of stopping from autofishing, maybe the ModAPI should it ever actually come out would solve this problem, but from what I've seen it isn't coming out anytime soon.