IGN: pbrassat17 My suggestion: I suggest that we should make it so that extcommands+ have the ability to do /heal, but maybe add something like a timer to it so like every 5 minutes (I know this is possible with essentials) and maybe even making it cost 100$ or so per heal. I thought of this while in the mining world mining and forgetting to bring food to me, this would just be another great feature in EXTcommands+ and it'll push more users to donate for it (is what i would think)
While this sounds like it would be useful, I can't help but picture how abused this would get in pvp arena's. The only place that would be safe from it would be the pvp world, and I don't know about you, but I like using my arena every once in a while.
and that is where this would come in handly disable it in certain world like the pvp world that is being added.
My point is, I like pvp'ing in arena's built within the main world. I already have to deal with people abusing fly. This would just be too much, in my opinion. Now instead of healing, it could just refill your hunger. That would have a smaller effect in pvp than just healing completely. Not to mention when you're out mining, all you really need to heal is a full hunger bar.
ok i understand where your coming from, and if i think about it ill just say consider /feed instead of /heal but either way just make it that there is a timer of maybe 5 minutes.
+1 I like this idea alot! . Doesn't seem to cause many issues and a 70$ feature should contain a lot more advantages that it does. Well thought.
I like ur idea but not a command but a sign. They are allowed to place signs wherever it's possible to place for that person
No placement of heal signs should still be owners only and you need to apply for it but maybe you get /feed and you can make a feed sign.