Thread Title: Explosive eggs in sg. Minecraft Name: DragRacer2725 Suggestion: Adding eggs into chests that explode when you throw them. Reason: First of all, I think it would be a fun addition to sg games. I mean, what isn't fun about exploding eggs? Other Information: I've seen this on many other hunger games servers, and I thought it was really cool and unique. Link to this plugin: Not sure if this requires a plug-in.
-1. I say no to this due to the fact that on other servers it's this: You have an egg = win. They're basically like TnT, but throwing them. They're hard to dodge because it causes an explosion. Basically, they're a bit overpowered.
I would LOVE to see this implemented! It would definitely split teams up Are you sure you didn't steal this idea from another server? I know of a server that has this!
Well what if like every person started with 1 egg, and it wouldn't work until after grace period? It's fair, it's fun, and I think 1 egg isn't overpowered. Now if you had 4 or something like that, it would be way OP.
1 egg doesn't "=win" in my extensive experience playing on hunger games servers these eggs do about 4 hearts of damage point blank (which hurts you as well). The most effective way to use eggs is to throw them at an adversaries feet as they run at you, which blows them into the air causing maximum damage, 7 hearts. This is all with our armour. With full armour theses eggs unless used with reckless abandonment cause little to no damage unless used up close. They do almost about as much damage point blank as a hit from the miq sword. So saying they are OP is incorrect. I think this is an amazing idea and this could also be sold as a kit. Maybe say 5 eggs? I bet it would be a big seller.
That's crazy powerful, that power even goes beyond the MIQ bow. If anything we should make it do 2 hearts of damage or something and give it some crazy knockback. Make it a tool to escape, not to destroy
Kuke already said this, but as you said 'maximun damage, 7 hearts'. You just destroyed your own argument. The day andrew implements they as they are will be when pigs fly. If he does implement this though, he will need to have it modified a lot.
As I said, the only way to deal 7 hearts of damage is to throw the egg when in close proximity at there "FEET" this still only does 2 hearts of damage, the other 5 hears come from the falling damage. These eggs are already what you just said. They do 2 hearts and have CRAZY knock back. When I play in sg with them I use them to blast people off mountens. They are already exactly as you described. This can also be countered by wearing the feather falling boots that come with the ea kit (just an idea) Also if you want to talk about OP stuff in the hg games... Lets talk about the bfr kit (which I have) this kit has a strength potion that when I drink it slows me to kill someone in full iron armour with full hearts in one hit with either the miq or an iron sword... I use this when there are 4 people left in the arena, as soon as I see a person I drink my potion one hit them, then one hit everyone in the death match. I have also tested this with a wood sword, which when combined with a strength potion kills a full iron person in 2 hits. With fists it kills them in 5 hits.. Now I was suggestion that eggs only be available in an sg kit in the first place, and seeing in how it is not anywhere even close to as OP as some of the kits right now, and would be a really fun aspect of the game I think my point still stands