Minecraft Name: RyanJF1 Suggestion: Re-adding the ability to edit the titles of the threads you created. Reason: I would like the to re-add the permissions to edit your thread's title because it is your thread. You should have full editing rights to it. If you made a typo, you would have to wait a while until a staff member could change it for you. We used to be able to, but that feature was taken away once we upgraded the forum software. This could be because the forum software is configured to only let staff edit titles or Andrew saw a problem/possible problem with letting normal users edit their own titles. Any Other Information: Currently, only staff has the permission to edit the titles of threads. With this, Andrew recommended that you tag a staff member within a reply to the thread asking for the title to be changed. I feel that this could possibly bug the members of the staff since they already have large obligations to fill. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, but it would make their lives easier if we could just do it ourselves. We used to be able to, and I did not see a problem with it. Link To This Plugin: Already have it, just need the permission to.
After reviwing everything the problem I believe is that the Thread Tools section (that allows you to edit the title) also has the ability to lock the thread, delete it, move it, and other mod fuctions. I would like to see users able to edit their own topic titles, but if this allows you access to lock your own thread or delete it then no, the normal users should not be able to. It sucks but I think its all under 1 permission from the look of the menu. RagMan