Thread Title: A way to edit the signs you have made Minecraft Name: sick24 Suggestion: A new plug-in that allows you to change and edit the text on existing signs without destroying them. Reason: Drawing on personal experience here, many times i have wanted to simply edit a letter or two in a sign, but have had to stress my brain into remembering everything the old sign said. Or I have put it into my ipad to remember which still takes time. With this you can simply edit line by line and be able to save time. For those who don't want to go the link all you would do is type /edit [1,2,3 or 4 (the line number)] [message] and then click the sign you want changed! For those of you with ext-creations this creation also includes a command to change the color of the target line. Other Information: I think this will be EXTREMELY useful for spawn shops who want to change their prices or quickly add in 10 stacks of an item instead of clicking through the whole inventory to get the item into the sign. Many other uses can be applied for town rules, members, etc. Link to this plugin:
This has been suggested before. You wouldn't be able to use it on trade signs as it would duplicate items and money.
Sorry if this sounds mean, for all you that said +1 please rate using the buttons to the lower right of the post so the rating is visible from outside the post. And sorry to Ryanjf1 I hadn't realized it had been suggested before.
Okay Ryan, but would it still be able to change just the price line? Not add in any materials or would it have to be completely nullified to all trade signs?
This would be a great idea although i doubt it would be compatible with essentials signs, I made a quick plugin review of it on the Minestuds youtube channel, go check it out.