Minecraft Name: emongolab Suggestion: EXP being obtainable from ore's. Disable EXP from mobs. Reason: With EXP being restricted to only mobs, it forces the users who base their income from EXP to stay at a spawner for most of the day. This being said, it encourages not only these players, but also any other player to be AFK, and gain EXP. Lets be realistic, I'm sure most users can be smart and place something on their mouse and just make a 'autoclicker' and EASILY obtain exp whilst being AFK. From my understanding this is illegal. Any Other Information: In my personal opinion, there are 3 different standing points in the discussion. 1. Disabled ore EXP 2. Disabled mob EXP 3. All EXP enabled 1) Disabled ore EXP Pros: Player controlled EXP market (prices of EXP sets will vary on how many spawners are being used/broke) Cons: Encourages AFK economical gain 2. Disabled mob EXP Pros: Encourages mining. Requires effort to obtain EXP. Player controlled EXP market (prices of EXP sets will vary on how much users mine and how fresh the mining world is) Cons: Most users will say that the EXP market will be flooded due to the amount of players that mine Rebuttal: Players control the EXP market. If the mining world gets striped, there won't be a source of EXP. It becomes scarce until the next mining world restart. As zardgyer said himself, "I can sit at a spawner all day long an easily get 10k+ EXP" Its not only the mining that is causing the market to flood. 3. All EXP enabled Pros: Players easily obtain EXP Cons: EXP market begins to flood Thanks for reading through my long rant.This is just my opinion, I would highly appreciate to hear some other opinions as well, so feel free to share
+1 i totally agree being afk at a spawner just means what everyone has frowned upon... its a hardcore economy wth afk xp you can easily beat the economy especially the people who hav found double or even triple spawers!!! i think ore xp should be enabled!
I have the same thread... I obviously agree http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/suggestion-make-ores-drop-exp-and-mobs-drop-none.76759/ +1
Yes, i have seen mobs kill each other because of too many mobs suffocating eachother or... you can afk and kill mobs after you afk... leading to millions of orbs which can eventually lag out the server with mobs and xp and entities
I would rather see a bi-monthly change with this; mobs-only EXP for a duration, then switch to mining-only EXP for a duration. Spice it up, keep things different, and prevent constant AFKing or extreme mining material influx.
AFK XP gaining should be rooted out and the players banned. kukelekuuk00 Is there way to have the server "watch" for afk XPer types of behavior?
This makes no sense. Honestly, we could compare this to AFKing at farms with a rail, the melon grows. AFKing at a spawner, the mobs spawn. You farm the melons, you kill the mobs. I couldn't explain this in a much more simpler way than I just did. However, it does indeed cause lag. But I believe there is a way of making no mobs spawn until a certain number of mobs are in a certain radius.
I was under the assumption that any way to gain money/material/resources while afk was against the rules of this server. Am I incorrect in that assumption?
So this whole "afk xp farming" isn't technically true. If you are caught using an autoclicker you could and would be banned? Just as you would if you were doing it with a farm of melons or what-have-you
With an auto-clicker you are obtaining profitable (In the sense of gaining levels) Whilst you are AFK. In the other hand both XP and Letting farm grow AFK is just a way to get your money making ready. You still need to do it. Also, a reminder, anything that is Auto is illegal. Therefore the name Auto-Clicker.
Correct, it isn't "technically" true. People will sit at a spawner AFK and wait for the mobs to build up. A few swipes and your XP meter climbs levels in seconds. Then you go AFK again and wait. So for 14min AFK and 30 sec of work, you cna get a few thousand xp. Not "technically" AFK, but now you see why people call it that. In my experience, the butcher is about every 15min or so. If you are caught using an auto-clicker, you will be found out and banned, yes. Yes.
Correct. However, I was trying to get at the point, users will use an 'autoclicker' (either via macromod or by simply putting something on there mouse) and hit the mob. This being said, EXP will drop.