Minecraft Name: AgentHare Suggestion: To add a limit or level of cussing that is allowed to be added to complaints. Reason: Recently I've noticed complaints on absolutely crazy things. People saying "damn" once ends up in the complaints section. The rules allow everyone slip-ups every now and again. Any Other Information: The overall suggestion is that in this limit, there would be an amount of cussing (or level, like the f-word is not equal to hell or such) in a sentence needed for it to be able to put in a complaint. Staff warn for these complaints, too. I'm not a fan of this cursing on the server, but people are getting warned for simple stuff. Not only is allow and working on complaints with a one word use of "damn" irrational and a waste of time, it is going against the rules that we all have agreed to.
First off, lol, we never agreed to any rules. We sat here while Andrew set down the law, and we could either get lost or put up with it. We never agreed to anything. I know this has been a bit of a debate in recent months, I'm fairly sure staff is working on it. If you want a another 10 page debate thread, well, just give me the heads up, I'll be here.
Could have been a bit more specific... But it's not like if I disagree to the rules anything is gonna change. If I really don't like Andrew's rules, I can leave. Otherwise, I have to put up with them. If Andrew wants to suddenly not punish for grief, even if it's in the rules, I can't do a single thing about it. It's his server, it's his rules. Me agreeing or not, he has the final word. This isn't a democracy, it's a tyranny. I know, it sounds like a bad word, but it's true. There is such a thing as a good tyrant. Tyrant simply means you have and complete control, with the last word on everything, it doesn't mean evil.
But yes...and "slip-ups" are defined as? Well great, they aren't defined. It's called staff discretion. If you think staff made a bad choice, there's always the ability to file a staff complaint with Andrew. But on the other hand, a suggestion asking staff to clarify that rule, would be much better.
revanrose6 Spam? Edit: Fixed (That was about 12 lines of the same thing over again, maybe a glitch or bug) but dang, that took 5 seconds to scroll down.
Accidental, I'm fixing. 12345shane Yes, it was a computer glitch. I hadn't even finished typing :/ Anyways after that lovely bit of embarrassment. So, as I was going to say. Defining a slip up seems simple of the face value. Its something someone said accidentally without thinking. Yet, that being said, can you really slip up when typing? You actually have to think about and write out what you are saying which would, theoretically, make it not a slip up. If you go by by merriam-websters definition of a slip up, which is a carless mistake then the question becomes how can a staff member see if you feel it was a mistake? Because you said sorry afterwards? Frankly I think that the term slip up is way too loose a term and can be interpreted way too many ways. Further, the fact is that most people say these things deliberately and with intention. I honestly think that defining this type of a term or even that section of terms is not possible. A lot of these issues are a case by case thing. If you give a definitive definition to something then you will still find cases that do not fit in the 'norm'.
Ecocitycraft is many things, even a communism. For example all money donated to the server, which you need to donate or get someone to donate for you to be successful or have a lot of fun, eventually goes back into the server in some way, say a hardware upgrade. All the money goes back into the community, which is why it is called a "communism"