Today, I accidentally voted with my inventory full. I did not receive my netherstars. To prevent this fate which many others have without doubt befallen, there should be a reminder after voting, saying something like "You have x netherstars and y other reward(s), type /voteclaim to claim them!" If you try to claim the stuff with a full inventory, it will not give you the netherstars. This will make sure people definitely get their voting reward.
Step1 always make sure you have an open slot in your inventory step2 when you login there is a slight delay so confirm the slot is still open step3 if there isn't a slot open dump something out of your inventory quickly to make room anyways i like this idea but these are the steps i take when i vote.
Those are good steps if you are in-game... However, a lot of people vote when they cannot get in-game, nor can guarantee that their inventory has space before logging off. I would like a way to claim nstars after voting, but I would be fine without it, too (even though I've voted twice now with a full
You can a open slot as soon as you get online There is a brief time when you login and become active before the votes are registered Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4