I think the server should change the kind of shop it uses to chestshops. In chestshops you place a sign above a chest saying what you are selling, how many and for how much money. You then simply place the item in the chest. After that all money is automatically forwarded to you! Pros: You don't have to all the way to the sign to collect your money/items as they are automatically sent to your inventory. You can add/take items being sold, for example 40 dirt is being sold you take away 10 so there is only 30. With the current shop you need to break and make a new shop! Chestshops don't break if sand/gravel under them falls! Cons: Can't sell exp. Takes up more space. In conclusion, I think chestshops would greatly improve the servers shops and I know from experience and other servers how good chest shops are. I've always thought its the one thing missing from this server and I'm sure many other people would agree with me. Please think long and hard about this, because in an economy server like this once shops matter a lot! The link is http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ec...n-shop-for-economy-plugins-1-4-5.4150/page-22. I''m not sure if this is updated or not, but if it isn't please look for an updated one!
Guys remember if you sell stuff in a trade sign and you lost the sign you cant collect the money. But if you lose a chest shop the money is still sent to you every time a purchase is made so losing it isn't a problem. Once I lost 34 fish when the builds where reset and it wouldn't have happened if we'd been using chest shops. Remember this when you vote.
Duplicate of this thread: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/t...gle-trade-signs-that-both-buy-and-sell.22646/
Unlocked Although duplicate, and most likely wont happen... The thread you linked is from quite a bit ago... Leaving it up to andrewkm to decide Ryan. However, I disagree with the fact of adding ChestShops, unless there's some technical reason to do so, we're currently in perfect condition with Trade Signs, they're a lot more efficient in my mind.
I agree, plus it's a pain to get the chests and trade shops are great because you can store items in the chests and you can trade item-item.
Now that you have pointed out the cons of chest shops I agree - there are to many cons for them. But all the cons are in the chests themselves right? What if the signs themselves were changed so that they had the format of a chest? So that they still looked the same, worked the same, still took up the same space but could be a chest when right clicked? That would have all the pros of chest shops along with the pros of trade signs!