Minecraft Name: Shwiboo Suggestion: A log of sorts for a players pm and a command that they can access the last 10-20 with Reason: Because it annoying to go afk for more then 30 secounds and not know if anyone needed you for something because the chat log pushed it out Other Information: Seems like it could be done with a small text file on the server that gets cleared as people log off even with 250 people online i cant see it being more then a few kb a person even if you went to a few hundred pm's Link to this plugin: A link to the plug-in you are suggesting, if applicable. (Check bukkit.org for plugins!)
There is no way for the server to easily do it, if you find it necessary to see more chat, I hear there are many chat mods that you can download to give you access what you are looking for.
I dont see how it would be that hard all chat has to go through the server anyway all you would need is a plugin to pull it. And yes t-bone i m aware of that but if general is active at all the 2 pages of log you can view go away very quickly
Iv tried that one along with bout 10 others none of them work with my client nvm i guess just lock the thread