Minecraft Name: D4NTE_3 Suggestion: I suggest that charcoal prices be raised. Reason: When trying to get charcoal, it takes much more work than getting coal. You cant just run out and mine charcoal with a fortune pick. It takes lots of fuel and dedication to obtain charcoal. Any Other Information: I do realize that if you were to raise the price of charcoal, you would also have to raise log prices and possibly plank and stick prices, but charcoal farming is a great way to change the economy in my opinion. Link To This Plugin: Im sure you guys have it.
Agreed. Coal is probably easier to get imo, as you just have to go find it, no fuel needed. As for charcoal, you have to find trees, burn the wood and waste fuel, so +1
I forgot to mention that this would also be a great way for new users to make money too, if they cant afford seeds or farming materials, they can always chop down trees for charcoal.
There are many ways for new users to make money, raising prices of charcoal wouldn't really benefit them THAT much. You can simply just mine and sell, both hand and in auc/trade channels. Also, jobs are a great way to make money! Lets not forget that Voting is way OVERPOWERED! Especially to new players! If you simply vote everday you earn more than enough for resident and working on mayor in less than a month. That's not counting ANYTHING else you do during that month. I strongly suggest everyone to vote everyday, but I really encourage new players to vote. It's just way too good not to. Or you could just waste your time standing at spawn asking local chat for money until you get banned for spamming, gotta keep that staff team on their toes!