Minecraft Name: SKSoccer Suggestion: I suggest that supermods and game admins send a private message to a player at a spawner before they /butcher the mobs in a surrounding area. Twice, in the past few days I have seen all of my mobs disappear because of a /butcher. If I had 5 minutes to kill the mobs, that would be great. Reason: If somebody spends time afking for mobs, and when the mobs start to cause lag, it would be nice if instead of a sudden butcher, the player would have some time to kill the mobs. Any Other Information: Of course, if the player does not respond to the pm, then /butcher away! Link To This Plugin: N/A
1) No ones going to individually pm every user who "might" be near a spawner to tell them. How would we even tell anyways? Plus butcher is by world, once the command is given its all chunks that are loaded at the time. Its not "selective" or a "surrounding area" that is hit. 2) Butcher usually is only used when the server is having problems. When the server is having problems were not going to "issue a warning" and let the problem continue for 5-10 minutes longer and then butcher. When someone decides butcher is needed, its usually needed right then, not 5 minutes later. 3) If you killed the mobs instead of afking until there were X mobs causing a bunch of lag there would be no need for a butcher. You cause the problem, then want us to not fix it? 4) It is my understanding that the aether is usually not /butcher'd unless something is really wrong. Meaning the butcher in the mining world has failed to slow the lag monster that is bringing down the server. If those in the mining world would farm properly and not cause tons and tons of lag at their spawner, the Aether probably wouldn't be butchered. RagMan