Minecraft Name: Buildablock98 Suggestion: Possibly a plugin that would stop spam, maybe only allow a certain amount of sentences to be said in a certain amount of time. Reason: There is constantly spam in both local and global channels, and it can be very annoying. This plugin could stop that, which would make the job of a moderator alot easier. Any Other Information: everybody hates spam :| Link To This Plugin: sorry, i dont even know if one like this exists... would think it does tho : D
I think there is one that auto-kicks after so many chats... I'd have to look for it though. The moderators do a pretty good job of taking care of the situations.
Ive been on a server that has something like this where you cant type the same thing in chat you have to wait 3 seconds before saying it again however you have to wait 3 seconds to use the same command so it get kinda annoying. But its a whole new plugin and Andrew said they wounlt be adding any plugins unless absolutely necessary.
There is already an anti spam plugin on the server. Unfortunately, you have to spam a TON quickly before it kicks in. You then have to type in some random letters and numbers to prove you aren't a spam bot, then it lets you type again. I noticed this when I was spamming a friend with nonsense PM's to get his attention a couple days back.