Minecraft Name: Buildablock98 Suggestion: Possibly a plugin that would filter out curse words, replacing it with some like this: %$#@ (sorry i dont really know if one like that exists) Reason: there are alot of kids that play this server that shouldnt have to hear this kind of language Any Other Information: People are always cursing in global channels, and this could make one less thing for a mod to worry about correcting, though it will still be necessary of course. Link To This Plugin: sorry i really dont know the name of one like this : (
Problem here is almost any filter can be bypassed. Just look how many ways I can type “crap” crap, c*ap, cr*p, c**p, c r a p, cr ap, c rap, cra p for just a few examples. People will always find ways to swear if they want.
this is true, but this can still help out a whole lot even with the ways to bypass it. Also, maybe there is a plugin that has some of the ways to bypass it filtered aswell.
The issue with this is that swearing isn't against our rules, only excessive swearing and that which is directed at another user, so this would just be a useless plugin for us to have.