Minecraft Name: PlayerX1337 Suggestion: Blockhunt is a hide and seek minigame where one player is selected as the seeker and everyone else hides as regular blocks. Reason: I kinda get bored playing sg all the time if you can believe that Any Other Information: With a little scripting, you can make it so the winning group wins a certain amount of money Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/blockhunt/
The lag from this plugin isn't too bad, especially with the semi-recent server upgrade, the server will handle this fine.
interesting point. maybe the devs can also find a way to improve the performance of this gamemods aswell if they want to be double sure that it will not lag.
Interesting plugin, but it seems to still be in its early stages (alpha stage) and it's still not ready to be used on a production server.
Actually it is still in its early stages, one glitch I noticed when i played around with it if you turn into a cactus because a block of cactus is smaller than a block you get to see like a transparent edge around it, though it was still a lot of fun to play with.
I'm going to have to go with kuke here, since he knows a lot more about programming aspects then me. But as for other aspects, Andrew is concentrating on SG right now, and another plug-in seems further down the road, if another plug-in at all.
Dev's don't approve things Andrew approves things, and as far as I know, Khobbits is the only "ECC" dev. All the others are just lucky people who made nice plugins. (On second thought, lcprecords might also be considered an "ECC" dev, since he specifically made our app)