Hello All, While reading the ban appeals/complaints forums, you may notice that many people get their post denied because they have it in the wrong format. Now, Let's say your a builder going to apply for resident. There is a link that takes you to a "pre-formatted" application, where all you have to do is plug in the answers. If we could do this for the ban appeals/complaints, It would be much more organized, and nobody would get denied for the wrong format. Thanks, and don't forget to leave your opinions! http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/forms/resident-application.1/respond
No, I think people should try appealing, its different with ranks because you don't have to put that much effort in them.
There was a suggestion like this a while ago, and this is what a lot of people said (Obviously in different wording) : "It should be for complaints only, because for appeals, you want the person to read up on appeal rules, but for complaints, I agree with it, and it would make things a lot easier.
Yeah, I agree with you, maybe just for complaints, people should have to prove themselves worthy to be unbanned.
Basically this. While you should always read the complaint rules as well. If you are appealing a ban we want you to put a little effort into it. Reading a short bit on proper format and sub-forum rules helps shows you did put that effort in.
If a user does not take his time to read the thread with the format in, that's his fault, obliviusly he hasn't taken the time to read the rules or even took a minute to read the thread at the top.
After thinking of this for a bit, I wonder if an alternative is added. We add a format for those that want to appeal the ban, however add a new question that asks in some fashion "Which section and clause did you break to receive this ban?" This allows an easy formatting and the user needs to go to the rules page to find the rule that he broke. While there are still some flaws in this idea, I think it is something that would be a nice addition.