Minecraft Name: @cdlawrence Suggestion: Add angel blocks Reason: Angel blocks are blocks which are able to be placed in air, eliminating the need to build a tower up to build in the sky. This would make it easier to make floating builds. Any Other Information: I feel this could be added as a kit to an existing feature such as extra commands or creations. I also know generally the block goes back to the user after but to prevent a huge buildup of stock I feel it could maybe be changed to disappear after it is broken. Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: http://www.minecraftmods.com/extra-utilities/ I know this comes with a lot of other additions beyond angel blocks, however I am only interested in the angel blocks, as our server otherwise mostly sticks to vanilla existing blocks/items
I dont really see a need for this, building up a couple blocks isnt really a big bother. But at the same time you would be buying a feature in order to be able to use it, so im on the fence for this one.
a few blocks is very different from say 150 to 200 blocks, not every floating build is close to the ground
This is a Mod not a plugin therefore its not possible to add to ecc. Edit LOL posted same exact time as jamie
Well you have nothing else going on im sure. Just custom make some version of it. How much work could it possibly be? Shouldnt it be easy to make blocks in the sky, like you know sky blocks? Im funny, I know
Unfortunately, this isn't a feature even remotely possible in bukkit without massive modification to the block placement mechanics. Sorry.