Minecraft Name: Capbo_ Suggestion: Allow users to switch between the block and number donation medals. Reason: Maybe just me, but I always liked the medals that displayed the amount. Instead of just changing it for everyone, allow users to change for their own viewing. Any Other Information: Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?:
I may be mistaken because I haven't worked that much with xenForo yet, but as far as I can see medals are predefined by the site admin and then simply awarded. Changing the medal style means we'd actually need two full sets of feature medals, and I'm not exactly a fan of the "Let's create a custom xF plugin that allows players to exchange their block material medals for number medals" idea.
Would require custom xenforo addon. Would require changes to current xenforo addon. Would require custom server code. Would require custom plugin code. Would require custom forum link re-write. ... An addition like this would basically be more work than getting out Skyblock. No.