Denied [Suggestion] Allow Removal Request Form flexibility.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by KingCharlie9, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. KingCharlie9

    KingCharlie9 EcoPremiumPrestigeLegendTycomaster
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    Jun 25, 2017
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    I am suggesting that we allow users to use the form for staff requests, as well as be able to post a thread normally. I think had this implemented elsewhere - but I cannot seem to find it.

    Want a basic summary? Allow two options: Be able to post a thread and use the form, if possible.
    I am suggesting we copy that style/way into the Staff Requests forum.

    Well, it makes it convinient for people who arent filing just one request at a time. For example, for my town ExampleCity, I could use the form once, then just copy and paste the result of that several times using the post thread button and editing as neccessary.

    I do understand that this will come with the need to edit the rules for that forum to use the special prefix. So, what I mean is, in addition to the main suggestion, if this is accepted, then 'You may only use the correct prefixes if you are using the 'Post Thread' button rather than the form, because the form already applies it.'

    Other Information:
    This might be a little hard to understand/comprehend as I am not really amazing at explaining things, but I'll try my best to help.

    Link to this plugin/Is this a custom addition?:
  2. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    You cannot post threads and will not be able to post threads in forums that have application forms to fill out. If you would like something added to a specific form, make a suggestion for this.
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    #2 andrewkm, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
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