Just thought of this because in another suggestion Jamie mentioned wanting mobs in SG, and since I'm not a kitter this would definitely make the game more fun and interesting to play. Horse eggs could even spawn and be as rare as diamonds, if not more rare because it makes you more difficult to kill. We could even make a "Horse Trainer" class that gives you a horse egg, a saddle, and armor. Yes this would make you quite fast, but horses aren't impossible to kill. You would also need to be quite a good shot with a bow from a horse, and with speed comes difficulty hitting people. It'd add something fun to SG, and heck, we need mobs in the game and this could be a test run for implementing all mobs into the game.
I like this, didn't think of horses as a pvp type animal. Though, IMO, the armor shouldn't implicitly be spawned in, but rather the rest of the materials added into the world, as dharmor is op as anything.
You can't craft horse armor, and I assume the weakest armor is gold, so maybe gold spawns in the world and you get iron with the kit? Or vice versa, depending on which is weaker.
Well, this kit is very different from the rest, if it was just another sword or potion I'd agree with you.
It would still be an advantage. I like the idea of adding horse eggs or whatever to SG but not to have kits with armour. Thats just a bit desperite.
Perhaps get rid of the kit, but there should still be a weak set of horse armor that spawns in the world somewhere, specifically gold horse armor.
If DM teleport follows default teleport mechanics, it should leave your horse at its place and just bring you to DM. As for the suggestion... +314 to the horse idea. Adds both difficulty and advantage to the rider, thus creating an advantage that can still be beaten. -314 to the kit idea. Just... not. More. Kits. ._.