Minecraft Name: WolvieD2GMark Suggestion: A New /Fly (Or /Float) Command to be useable to anyone with Aether access Aka Pilot or Higher! (But Only in Aether!) The Argument is people with Fly+ lose something... but players with Fly+ don't really use the aether as-is. So allowing more players to Fly in Aether would increase Aether popularity not decrease it. Aether Access cost dropped to 15,000 Instead of the current 20,000 (Its too expensive for the lack of Content) Ability to get extra Kits for building once they have aether access / extra stuff for Captain. (Thoughts) /kit wool:# Gives 32 of any wool. CD 1 Hour (Valued to Server at $10.) /kit stainedglass:# Gives 32 of any stainedglass CD 1 Hour (Value to server is $1.6 per hour!) /kit stainedclay:# Gives 32 of any stainedclay CD 1 hour (Value to server is $8 per hour!) These three Kits for Captain would entice players to apply for Captain (Past Pilot) Reason: Aether isn't really talked about, its not really used. Its too expensive and lacking Stuff in general. Any Other Information: I want to bring some new reasons for players to use the aether again. Link To This Plugin: N/a
From what I can see the value of the kits is $19.6 per hour. Which shouldn't impact the economy. The commands are on CD, this stops them from being abused.
I def like this idea, and if I didnt have to get fly+ to use aether I would have gotten aether access long ago. Plus i can say that would in no way affect my decision to get fly+
Fly+ is not needed to fly in the aether... (I think you mean Fly) However, I too believe something needs to be done about the Aether.
I agree that anything that would help revive the world would be a welcome change. The kits you suggested also seem to be reasonable and it would be great to see more use of the many new materials.