Before I actually tell you about this idea I just want to say that I acknowledge that most aether users will reject this idea and that I will be called a Hypocrite but I want to get this idea out. I was thinking that the aether only has so many islands. So I thought what if depending on your rank you had acess to only a limited number of islands. That way diamond mining from the underneath will be close to impossible because they actually have to "own" the island to adjust it's blocks. You would not have to buy the islands, just find a sign that you right click on and it gives you the island, but it will make sure that you have not gone over the limit. Anything outside of a number blocks away from the island is a territory that you are allowed to build in to create bridges for people to connect with. This idea will need heavy editing in order to make it workable so critique the idea please. Pilot: 2 islands Captain: 4 islands
Re: [suggestion] aether islands Horrible idea that will never work. Here are my reasons: 1) probably not even possible 2) we've already paid 20k 3) no no no no no no no no no no no 4) I hope you realise that the fact that you have not aether nor fly makes this suggestion nothing more than jealousness
Re: [suggestion] aether islands ievolive, This is not out of jealousy and would not involve the spending of more money. Besides, Andrew will reset the aether soon. And I do want the aether (what doesn't say bad*** other than floating islands. And I know I am a hypocrite. So what would make it better? And I mean actually editing it not saying how ridiculous it is.
Re: [suggestion] aether islands No, you would not automatically get the island. You would pick it however possible. That way there will be islands (crappy or not) for new aetherers like I will be. Also no one BUT you can build on it. Unless permission is given
Re: [suggestion] aether islands Alright, so I guess I am defeated and this topic can be locked. Thanks ievolive for bringing me to new light.