Minecraft Name: StanleyMines Suggestion: Add world edit back. World edit apps same as before (what ever that was), make it cost 75K + 0.5 Times the number of blocks. Have a staff "Hour" once a month or so where right after a restart only staff can join, and take care of shops and a lot of other stuff and do this then, so its not lagging the system to hard. Reason: I feel that world edit even if it is a lot more expensive could be very usefull in building large farms, for example, Farmistan by @sick24 's upper levals still have world edit "corner" signs so they/he(idk if farmistan is co-owned) can just post the app(s) and have pretty much another level of their/his farm made. This would also be useful for a large project i will be starting soon with a few people. Any Other Information: Maybe also add Biome Change apps, like 40K+$1 per block for biome changes. (i saw the idea in an old suggestion, and i didn't want to nerco.) I do believe that @314 could use this in his town(world edit part i mean, correct me if i'm wrong.). Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/ (world edit) Essentials and Vault for the ECCD ofc
We're currently lowering the amount of work for andrewkm. I feel as though we should not be adding things no matter what, unless they are 100% needed.
World edits are buggy, laggy, take up a lot of time, can corrupt world saves, and require the server to be down (from memory) In an era where we're moving towards automation, adding this laborious task seems counterproductive
World edit really messed up the world before the legacy, Which in turn led to where we are now with World Edit, as others have said, its laggy and visually looks horrible, My town was world edited into the map and i am still trying to make it so it blends into the surroundings. So i dont think world edit is needed, if you want a big farm, well you have to build it to get the fruits of its labour.
Regardless of the issues about the lag issues & the person who has to do this (andrew), I disagree with this because building/clearing things shouldn't be made so easy. Part of building a farm for example, should be hard in my opinion.
I agree with dewsy, even though I (since you tagged me) could use it for my town, I think that it would greatly miss a challenge. And in my special case - I need lots of dirt and cobble, and here I can get it without any danger.
So there isnt any lag while there are a lot of players loading a lot of land, just have a few staff on doing that on the "staff hour" or like every month or so.
That still leaves the issue of world edits really messing things up if you do them incorrectly. As much as they sound nice, they just aren't feasible.
The only part of W/E that I want to come back is the biome change thing, which was denied already. Otherwise, I agree with Dewsy on this.
I dont want to clear a 400x64x400 area, and buy nearly infinite black and blue wool and place 25600*16 of those wool blocks. And yes, in the same town(s) i would want to change the biome of a lot of the land.
-1 unless it would cause less lag and Staff members would do it since i don't think the new owner has time