Minecraft Name: runakilli Suggestion: Add sponges to the build shop. Reason: I will be starting a project that requires a lot of sponges, and I have seen a few people wanting to buy them. Not many people just have hundreds of sponges just laying around. Any Other Information: I don't see any downsides to this, simply because it would be taking money out of the economy. Also, I would suggest putting a sign next to the sign for buying them, (if this is added) saying something like "REMEMBER! Only users with the water donation can place sponges." Link To This Plugin: N/A
NO! Then i cant sell sponges at my spawnshop for very large prices... I can see how this is good, and bad. Personally i dont think its necessary.
I agree. Sponges are just an item to soak up water. It should be added. I had the same issue when I tried clearing out water from my town.
Sounds good to me, but we are all aware the buildshop prices are obese. You'll be paying an arm and a leg for them. But like pbrassat said, this will ruin some of my future plans
Sell them at spawn for hefty prices, some users will buy them from spawn while others go to the market place. This would benefit everyone because the economical users will buy from the spawn shops while the non-economical users buy from spawn.
+1, you already have to pay for the water donation, you shouldnt have to look everywhere to find sponges.
+1, getting sponge is extremely hard to get and buy. It's a building block just the same as everything else
I think they were never added because andrew wanted to promote the Water donation feature. Having it only obtained through a Water donator, it creates some sort of market for the sponges, and will encourage users to purchase the water feature. However, I agree with the suggestion mainly because it can be annoying hunting down a few sponges. .-.
You don't. You use the /kit water command and have a sponge. If you need more than one, use the kit several times and in a couple of days you will have an adequate amount. I know that I have been looking for sponges a lot lately, some of you probably seen this in chat, but I don't want these added to the build shop. I believe that this will crash the market for selling sponges. Finding sponges is not extremely difficult. I know of several spawn shops that have huge surpluses and no one is buying, possibly because they are charging too much. I, on the other hand, cannot keep them stocked as they sell out daily.
Wow 1 sponge every hour. What a huge surplus of sponges. There shouldn't be a market for sponges just like there shouldn't be a market for anvils because its part of a donation feature.
Anvil's are craftable. I would understand not adding sponges to the build shop if they were craftable; but they're not. There is no other way to get them besides having the water donation. Sure, there's a lot out there because of all the people with the water donation, but it really should just be easier to get them. I wouldn't mind them staying unsellable to the server.
So my point is still valid, since you were at first talking about craftable blocks, and now your saying something new about donation feature blocks...