Minecraft Name: _Ky Suggestion: I suggest that an actively updating MCMMO scoreboard is added. For example when you start mining, the sidebar switches to /mining. When your farming it automatically switches to /farming and etc. Reason: I thing this is a good add-on for convienience of knowing both MCMMO leveling and when a special ability is ready without having to constantly switch back and forth using /(skill) commands. Other Information: The only downside is it may cause server lag with so many updates, not sure though. Link to this plugin/Is this a custom addition?: MCMMO but ECC already has it.
You can use /mcsb keep after doing /<skill> to keep the scoreboard up. Personally I wouldn't like to see this as constant switching of scoreboards when building would be very annoying.
Then how about a "/mcsb dynamic" or something? It keeps the scoreboard sticky, and it changes based on what you're doing. Making it a command makes it completely optional, so anyone who doesn't like it won't see it.