Minecraft Name: jakeklein21 Suggestion: I think it would be great if there was a way to be able to turn off those pesky survival game messages. If at all possible it would be amazing to have a /sg messages command which turned off all updates. Reason: It would be nice not to have all the updates pop up in your chat, especially if you don't really care much for survival games at all. Also I feel like a lot of people would be less annoyed with chat. Plus with the ability to already leave every channel as a donator, and to even turn off lotto messages, being able to do this would be a great way to have absolute peace in chat. Any Other Information: I have no idea if you can even configure the plugin to do this, but if you can, it really would be sweet! Link To This Plugin: None
I know they are working on this as per Ryan's post but I still want to +1 and bump it. Especially with the higher amount of SG arenas, there can sometimes be a constant stream of SG spam. Its clogs an already clogged chat.