We all hate them, you work hard for a great set of tools and then you fall down a death hole and some greedy person takes it all. This is ridiculous. I think this should be a bannable offense. I have ragequit for a while because i dies with all my stuff. I think there should at least be some action tooken against this
Mining isn't supposed to be easy, it is about having your head eaten off by zombies. Dying in lava and Screaming in ventrilo. About killing others to get their loot, and them killing you 5 minutes later. About back-stabbing, clan making, looking-over-your-shoulder, fist fighting juciness. Although i have to admit it gets pretty annoying not being able to get out of spawn because giant clans. hmm.... i think grahamster said this. remember mining isn't supposed to be easy.
This suggestion has nothing to do with mining. It has to do with people killing in the wild with death holes Specificly designed to kill people. If you are minign like that you should cover the hole up. Killing people in the wild is in the rules very specificly outlined as trolling: This rule is simple. Don't troll (look up "Troll (Internet)") users away from the server. Harassment (gameplay and chat) is also very unwelcome and can get you punishment depending on the severity. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, excessive attempts at killing players outside of a PVP area (seen live), following them around with constant harassment when you were told politely to leave, name-calling and provoking, and anything that falls under the rules for chat channels. Use your common sense while playing. No one likes users who make the gaming environment unpleasant to others. Be a good sport and a friendly community member. Those who violate this to a heavy extent will be warned several times - if it does not stop, a kick/ban may be put in place.
thats its mining world, where taht should be allowed. in places like aether and the main world i say NO
Aren't these used by x-ray'ers? I agree, they need to stop. Many of them are suspicious to me and go straight down to certain things such as spawners, etc.