Minecraft Name: RyanBlocks2 Suggestion: $15 giftcard Reason: Say you have $5 of credits and you want a $20 donation or something like that.
+1 as a matter of fact this would be excellent. It would make it possible to get every donation without exceeding the amount with just giftcards. +++1
This has been suggested in the past, and andrew has denied the request, I dont see a issue with just purchasing the $10 giftcard.
Pbrass say he wanted water, he would have to pay $20 for the giftcards, but then say he wanted pyro, that is 30$ total. Sometimes the 10$ giftcard works, sometimes it doesnt.
Well it woul be harder to implement and their would have to be a $10 limit. Any # would just be impractical
Me, quefueve and I'm sure many other users have suggested this. Andrew was denied all of them but it would be nice to see this implemented.
Quite a while ago someone suggested a $5 donation of some sort, but was denied because Andrew would lose money on that as he has to pay tax on each donation he gets.