So, you have all heard about how Mojang is thinking of implementing a official way to change your username, and how people are raging that is will ruin server's white/blacklisting system. Well I was just struck with an excellent idea. what if there was a 'locked' username that you had, that could not be changed, but also could not be seen, and have a SCREENname that could be changed, and seen. So when a server went to ban someone, they would do /ban <screename> and that would ban the hidden username, as well as the screename. So no matter what they changed the screename to, they could never rejoin. Kind of like banning the ip address without knowing it. That way, people could not circumvent the ban, and could still change their visible name. Let me know what you think below. -The Sophisticated Gangster
That is a good idea, although I do not know how Mojansg are implementing it, I do know ho ECC will be handeling it.
I found this: Harro! Here's what I'm thinking. Why don't you provide some feedback and we can figure out an awesome system for everyone. :] First of all, we want to start using e-mail address + password to sign in because many people have several Minecraft usernames (zweztor, zsweztor2, zwetztorrr) so they forget which is premium and which isn't and it's just chaos. We added the "get a list of your names for a particular e-mail" feature but those few who use it have forgotten which e-mail address they had on which account. Moving on to that name above your head! Even though it's just a game, my name is still a part of my identity. I like the fact that it can't be changed on a whim. A lot of the socializing in a game like Minecraft happens inside the actual game, so for me it makes sense that peoples' names are somewhat static, since I'd be highly confused otherwise. I also like the fact that my name is unique across servers. However, I'd like there to be "guest profiles" for our games (much like Xbox live) where you can have whatever name you'd like, but it would be displayed in game like "notch (Guest)" in a different style for it to be clear that this isn't the notch. When we have this I think we should call all non-premium Minecraft accounts guest account, thus releasing their names back into the namespace. So giving everyone who've bought Minecraft a free name change when it's out and then perhaps allowing a name to be changed after some time have gone past (2 months?), maybe for a symbolic charge (we obviously don't want to monetize name changing, just to make people think about their decision a wee bit more). Edit: of course banning / opping / whitelisting will be persistent across name changes. Edit 2: Going to bed now, will check back tomorrow! Edit 3: Woah, thanks for all the feedback. I'm leaning towards making it less restrictive, but I'm going to have a talk with Mr. Ginger this Monday to see what he thinks, since he is the lead dev of this show. :]