Minecraft Name: Itsa_Spenca Suggestion: Stricter rules toward donators that have major offenses, such as XRay or scamming Reason: Donators tend to pay their way out of rules, something that is very bad and unfair. In real life, despite your social class, you will get the same concenquence as everyone else. In Minecraft, there is things like XRay, scams, things of this sort. These create monopolies, things that can completely screw up the entire economy. We need to stop this, we need to make it safe for everyone. If this goes into effect, if you use XRay, for example, you WILL be permabanned, even on your first offense, unless you can provide an amazing excuse for something like this. It's not fair that mayor who doesn't donate can get permabanned, no appeal, from XRaying, yet, a VIP can XRay and get away with it MULTIPLE times, not affecting anything. Any Other Information: N/A Link To This Plugin: N/A Thank you. I am willing to argue/debate anything below. Pardon my spelling.
I can see where you're coming from but you must realize that people who are donators who do break rules donated real life money to the server. If andrew did perm banned anyone caught doing bad then no one would want to donate and risk loosing the money they spent. You can donate pay for donations via another player if you are "broke" or don't too. I am in your situation I have no money but I saved my eco-dollars for the donations I have today.
You are correct in what you're saying, and I am one of these members myself. But as Chargers said, you have to take into account that without us, there would be no server. Also, for things such as x-ray, even for donators the appeal process is extremely strict.
As I see your point, it is not "extremely strict". In some aspects, it is a little too easy to get unbanned. I believe that donators should set the example for others, they are donators after all. As I also agree they should get more lenience, it is daft to say that donators shouldn't know the rules by now. I believe we should make it a little more strict, but not up to the point of a permaban.
In response to the above statement, I'll just leave this here: That is NOT how the "real world" works, AT ALL.
Yes, for regular occurrences, getting unbanned is easy. I was responding to his point about the x-ray bans.
Yes, but that was a GIANT exploit where a lot of people exploited the hell out of it instead of reporting it.
Also, I'm just going to take a guess here and say that it has something to do with paypal and their system of disputing credit/debit card charges. I won't expand on that any further but I'm sure you can figure it out.
So many people have been unbanned after x-ray. It's not even a very strict ban. It shouldn't be "Oh, I can use x-ray to make a metric crapton of money and keep said money until I get caught. Then I will still have the money afterwards." Perhaps we clear their /bal? This would seem fair. (And please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure if this is what happens or not)
Something like this, or like clearing their inventory/balance/chests would be very good. I am a little confused by this vdub...expand on this please...sorry if this is obvious...I am tired and can't comprehend very basic things ATM....
I don't agree to this, sorry. Who are the people that support this server? Uhm... Donators..! Are you a donator? No.... So, why complain if you are someone who's contributed in making the server be up for almost 2 years! -1
This seems like a little bit of a "I'm better because I'm a donator" type of thing. Honesty, it SHOULDN'T be that if you donate you automatically get more chances for doing stupid things such as x-ray. I mean, what? You shouldn't feel just because you are a donator you should be able to go install x-ray. Sure, for small things donators should get a little more slack. I agree they keep the server up. But for the big things? I think it should be somewhat the same punishment.
Server - donators = ??? We do take quite a bit of consideration when we do appeals. You just don't see it.
My point is just to be stricter on the bigger things RyanJF1, Besides. Just because more leniency on x-ray isn't there doesn't mean people aren't going to donate. (Shouldn't be the reason people donate anyway)
I do understand this, however, tons of people (which I won't go into detail, but long time ECC players would understand) can see that people are given waaay too many second chances. Being banned 4 times for XRay? I think one is too much.