Minecraft Name:Aaron0119 Suggestion:i sugest that people aka the staff should ether do 2 things to get rid of lag its be bad ever sence 1.3 I think they should eather add more ram.Or alow ledd people in. Reason:Ever sence 1.3 the sever hase been laging 1. more offen and 2. much harder now that they have game admins it got a little bedder now i know its hard to find the command to add more ram and they want more people to join but its to much. Any Other Information:I do know this is not going to do any thing prob but i am trying with suggestions if the mods dont care or andrewkm doesnt care lock this Link To This Plugin:n/a
The server isn't using half the available ram. Limiting players has very little to do with it. After an hour or two the server just gets bogged down, some 1.3.1 problem.
All andrew needs to do is, set the daily restart to every hour or so(If possible). Everything would be fine if he could do that.
I think more ram can't be added unless the CPU is upgraded along with memory slots and everything else. Adding more ram would help because computers have max ram capabilities and the server running ecc probably has to max ram it can.
khobbits explained this perfectly Ecc has more RAM than ever usable The issue is 1.3 Cannot be fixed by a simple restart have i missed anything @KHobbits ?
Yes i'm saying more ram wouldn't help I get that. I like the idea of it restarting every hour as that seems to help.
i dont think all this lag is from 1.3 i no 1.3 takes more but It sounds like a plugin is loading up the server.