While I was really bored waiting for the server to start back up, I decided to do some math to explain how AMAZING ECC will be in just a few hours/next few days! Here is some stats that I calculated to understand how big this project really is! Sea Level in Minecraft - 64 blocks 15,000 by 15,000 = 225,000,000 (this is only 1/3 of what was added!) 225,000,000 x 3 = 675,000,000 (this is just the surface of what was added!) 675,000,000 x 64 = 43,200,000,000 blocks added! (Remember, this is just SEA LEVEL, and this doesn't even include things like mountains!) Out of the 43.2 billion blocks added.... -2,700,000,000 new chunks were added (One chunk is equal to a 265 x 16 area. To help show what would the server be at sea level, our chunks in this post is going to equal 64 x 16.) -In these chunks alone, 900,000,000 diamonds would spawn, and if each diamond were equal to $50 in the server, that would mean that the price for all these diamonds would be a whopping 45,000,000,000 EcoDollars! -1 pixel is one byte memory wise. One block has 1536 pixels in it. In the region we calculated earlier, it would be 66,355,200,000,000 bytes, or equal to 60.349702835 TERABYTES, also known as 1000 gigabytes! That is equal to 7,500 8gb iPod Touches! All in all, this update is going to be AMAZING. I thank Andrewkm and all the mods for making this wonderful expansion run smoothly. Happy building, and DFTBA <3 (post below if you wanna know something else or if my math is wrong XD)
I have a new fact that I forgot to post: 1 block = 1 meter Player when running = 4.3 meters a second If you were line up the surface blocks in single file, it would take you roughly 156976744 seconds, or 43604.6 hours, or 1816.8 days, or almost 5 years! (Keep in mind that you are also running, not walking!)
The 1 pixel = 1 byte thing is correct (almost), but the server itself doesn't render the pixels, your computer does (making it only render everything within renderdistance, and within view for people with optifine). Which is roughly 11*11 chunks or 176x176 blocks Which is we think of everything as sealevel, 176x176x64 = 1982464 blocks. 1982464*1536 = 3045064704 Bytes = 2973696 KiloBytes = 2904 MegaBytes = 2.8 GigaBytes. But we only actually the load the top layer, so 176*176*1536 = 47579136 Bytes = 46464 KiloBytes = 45 MegaBytes = 0.044 GigaBytes.
I tried run-jumping 100 meters and did it in about 14 seconds. to travel from one edge of the map to the other, it would take 1 hour, 10 minutes of non-stop run-jumping. To travel from one corner of the map to the opposite one, it would take about 1 hour, 38 minutes of non stop run-jumping.
The thing is, blocks aren't stored by their pictures/pixels. I believe that they are stored by their block ID. So instead of it taking 1,536 bytes per block(1.5Kilobytes (1 kilobyte is 1,024 bytes) it can be stored in a smaller space. Maybe 1/2 of a kilobyte. Good calculation tho EDIT: Oh and also probably where they are. (X=3423 Y=34 Z=234)