That's right, I'm selling this beautiful 10th row spawn shop! It's so close to market spawn, like wow. I'm currently looking for 60k+ but deals are negotiable. I will end bidding on this when I feel as though I get a good enough offer that makes me money :3. So bid away! <- For my use in advertising this thread :3 Edit: Just to clarify you are paying 30k and then the 20k rental fee.
D: what do you mean? was that to cheap? ahhh it was my first shop and i got it for free so i didnt know ._.
How much of that 30k was profit? Because usually when you do a shop transfer to someone you pay for at least the minimum of 4 weeks as well, so 20k. Did the person who paid you give you 50k or just 30k? Also I think if you only got 30k then you lost out on a lot of money. I have a 6th row shop but I wouldn't let it got for less than 100k after the 4 week minimum fee, although technically my shop is worth 10x as much with how well I sell and current assets. Anyways this is twinkies thread I think his last bid for his shop was by cike25 for $50k so let's let this thread continue for that auc.
@ATWINKIE can you show me this shop next time I am online and see you? Also how is this area on publicity, how much do you make off your shop a week?