Station 5 - ECC's Premier Cross-Server Shop

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by kenny0011, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. kenny0011

    kenny0011 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐

    Aug 12, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    With the release of the TravelBag feature, Station 5 is now proud to announce full operations on both main and main north servers. With new technology we can now offer the same stock on both servers at identical prices. Buy and sell farming goods, tools, mining materials and more at reasonable prices! Do /warp station5 today!

    We are also pleased to announce a semi-automated transfer services for items between main and main north for as little as $100 per 27 stacks of items!

    How Does This Work?
    1: Purchase a "Station5 Transfer" shulker box either from the top floor of either spawn shop (/warp station5), from /warp kennysworld (main) or from hephaestus (South West MN Corner Spawn town (warp coming soon)).

    2: Fill the shulker box with any and all items your require. (Note: ExtCreations++ is required to place shulker boxes. If you do not have this feature however you may ask someone who does to place it).

    3: Place the shulker box in the donation transfer chests, located in either kennysworld (main) or hephaestus (main north), and /mail kenny0011 with a breif overview of items in chest, as to identify owner.

    4: I will then do the transfer, and place in shulker boxes adjacent chests to transfer chest, add you to said chest, and mail you. You are then free to recover items, and then return shulker box to any Station5 transfer location for return of $250 shulker deposit.

    1: Transfers are aimed to be completed within 12 hours maximum.
    2: Do not put non-shulker box items into transfer chests without prior permission. Doing so may forfeit items place inside.
    3: Station5 cannot take responsibility for any loss of items transfered due to any potential bugs with the TravelBag System. While I will certainly help identify any issues with assistance of higer staff, I cannot garuntee any compensation of lost items, and as such, transfers are done at your own risk.
    4: Items must be removed from chests within 48 hours of transfer, at which point, alternative arrangements may be made to ensure items reach you.

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