I have been told by Andrewkm to come on here and post my problem due to it being a support issue. my personal chest not an enderchest in which I kept all my star tools were wiped while I was inactive for a week to three weeks at most with the occasional log on for a few minutes. The chest was in my town which I own. How would I retrieve my star tools back? I also have screens and contracts proving I owned such items. Need help please took a very long time collecting the stars for them and would not like my grind to be in vain.
@priMELval Huh? I don't see how that relates. I don't see anywhere in the cleanup policy that we would wipe items from a locked chest in an owned town for being inactive for less than a month. Did I miss something? *I'm not saying that is what happened, only that it is the claim.
Shhh I'm tired. The 'not' was in /v. Most likely you either put them in another chest or forget to put them back in a chest at all and they got wiped.
@xsvgxnightmare Just to ask a few more questions to get clarification as there may be a misunderstanding with what you are claiming. I ask because you say "these were before the /own command happened", yet /own was enacted back in April. When did you go offline approximately? When do you think you returned? When did you first notice the tools were missing from the chest? Could you be more specific where the chest was located? ( coordinates if you have them) If the staff is able help, being as specific as possible may help them focus in where to look. This, in turn, may speed up the process significantly.
I am not quite sure the point of inactivity but I've been hopping on for a minute or two before a few months ago when I actually got fully back on the server, so as any wipe would not happen. And I noticed when I fully got on and contacted staff then but was told by Andrewkm to use this thread rather than a message to get help. And the location of the chest in in a tiny storage area in my town as I am in school right now and can't hop on to show staff. In the storage room there's a chest by my door in which I kept personal items
I'm guessing it was in this chest: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/lwc-removal-request.126584/#post-680445