Minecraft Username: freddyagogo Brief Description: I didn't receive my Efficiency 7 Pickaxe from the Star Shop Instructions: Put 2200 Star into your inventory and purchase (right-click) the Efficiency 7 [Trade] sign at /warp starship. How many times did you recreate this?: 3. Result: Get 3 Starpickaxes, I only got 2. Expected Result: Get 3 star pickaxes. Evidence: N/A
@freddyagogo I have tested all the star shop signs and do not see any errors here. Are you sure your inventory was not full when you did this, if you have a full inventory it will drop your item on the floor, at which point someone around you may have picked it up or you simply mis-placed it. You also say you recreted this 3 times, however in the logs I see you had successfully received 4 x EFF7 Pickaxes from our starshop. Please try to retrace your step and double check where you may have placed it. You received 4X EFF7 Pickaxes at the following times: Code: Line 67432: Sign,Kit,Interact,"Sunday, June 17, 2018 5:21:56 PM EDT","freddyagogo","","","","freddyagogo",2000,NETHER_STAR,0,"rising",66,21,37, Line 67444: Sign,Kit,Interact,"Sunday, June 17, 2018 5:22:46 PM EDT","freddyagogo","","","","freddyagogo",2000,NETHER_STAR,0,"rising",66,21,37, Line 67460: Sign,Kit,Interact,"Sunday, June 17, 2018 5:23:05 PM EDT","freddyagogo","","","","freddyagogo",2000,NETHER_STAR,0,"rising",66,21,37, Line 67477: Sign,Kit,Interact,"Sunday, June 17, 2018 5:25:00 PM EDT","freddyagogo","","","","freddyagogo",2000,NETHER_STAR,0,"rising",66,21,37,