When you take in new applications, do you have to let other staff members go? Does Andrew decide this?
No, other staff members are not let go. I'm not sure exactly who chooses the next mods, but I think that it is the staff that is already there Hope this helps
Im just wondering to see if they have limited amount of staff members aloud. Like, only 5 Super Moderators or only 15 Moderators.
No, there is no set number of staff members. They usually try to pick a certain number per application period, but that number changes every time and isn't always followed.
It's all up to andrewkm and of he has staff applications open, I guess that he has a limit picked out
I am not too familiar with the process, but Andrew did say in chat the other day that it is up to current staff to vote on the applicants and not a decision made by himself. Andrew probably controls the number of mods positions, but it seems that only current staff, vote for new staff so that the team atmosphere is kept alive. RagMan
This is true, Andrew lets the current staff team choose the new staff members. Obviously he has the final say in any additions to the staff team, but the majority of the decision is made by other moderators/supermods/GAs.