To start off, if you are a player there is a player-only give away thread, here: Now, onto the Staff Give-Away. I have made, in a special location, several chests. Each chest will be filled with something by Christmas. On Christmas each chest will be given as a present to the 'owner' of that chest. There are 32 chests. Each staff member has the right to pick what chest they want. They are already numbered. I will not be saying what is inside them until Christmas time when they are opened. To claim a chest post in this format or PM me: 1. Core_Diver 2. Gernen 3.kukelekuuk00 4. Stolio 5. Anvildash 6. Lady_Frost 7. KMaxwell 8. Zedoker 9. Joseph01234 10. 11. peregrines3469 12. Annyonion 13. Falconaire 14. Skylexia 15. LegendaryTrio 16. eddieabery 17. Pbrassat17 18.cracker228989 19.Danekris 20.clou44 21. chargers2417 22. xpurexcorex 23. 24. Sick24 25. 26. Crossfire26 27. 28. 29. Lavajok 30. 31. Gogoplatau 32. Unknownrider 33. Tommy_T 34. JakeyRay18 35. 36.cdlawrence 37. voiD_yO 38. 39. 40. mikeace60
I'm going to assume this includes the mods that are going to be picked within the next few days, correct?
Dang it, Kmax took 7 ... Username: Falconaire Chest Wanted: 13 (I'm feeling unlucky ) Name one thing on ECC you want for Christmas: A cake! The cake is a lie!
Username: zedoker Chest Wanted: 8 Name one thing on ECC you want for Christmas: Lapis Blocks Thank you Revan!
Username: Skylexia Chest Wanted: 14 Name one thing on ECC you want for Christmas: Hugs. (or redstone, if hugs won't fit in the chest)
Username: pbrassat17 Chest Wanted: 17 Name one thing on ECC you want for Christmas; Melon sword (not necessary ) Or netherstars