I think that surtain splash pots should be use able again BUT only that splash pots that give a positive affect splash pots with a negative effect should not be re-added because you can through them in the safe area and do damage to your foe poising him and make him week all within the safe area and you got a easy kill. Pots that give a good effect should be added because it encourages teamwork and sometimes you don't have time to take a pot and splash pots are instant. A case where the pots could be good is when a team can stand close and everyone takes the pot instead of everyone taking one. This adds a new aspect to pvp which encourages teamwork and would not be overpowered makeing the PVP experiences beter. Thankyou andrew for your consideration.
I agree with Jacob, I would like to have this implemented. I would love to use them tactically as they are much quicker to use than normal potions and can heal you and a clan mate so you can work together much easy. +1
I just want ALL splash potions back because I brewed a large quantity of Instant Damage and Poison potions to be used for PvP, but now they are usless. I undrstand that splash potions are too easy to exploit, but I was thinking maybe splash potions could be enabled only in the Mining world (its all PvP except spawn) and anyone using splash potions in the Mining World spawn can be reported and instantly banned or have their Mining World access denied. Please consider reimplementing splash potions only to the Mining World andrewkm!!! I also second the idea of positive splash potions being allowed in ECC again.
I highly doubt negative splash potions will ever be enabled again. Yes you could make them usable in the mining world, and the mining world is PVP. The problem is that this allows pvp to happen in the safe zone, which is called the safe zone for a reason. People do not need to fear being poisoned and killed the instant they zone into the mining world. I would however support the usage of positive effect slash potions if we can pick and choose. RagMan
As of right now, the only reason positive ones are disabled is because he can only disable the negative ones if he disables all of them. He didn't want to disable all of them, but he had to, because instant damage potions were just overpowered. I doubt it will be changed unless something comes up that allows him to change it.
I don't think splash potions in the Mining World would be too much of a problem...just make rules and bans for people who use splash potions in the safe zone, but Im not too concerned. Its just that I have lots of potions that are rendered useless now sitting in a chest.
You are correct Matty, but as D0rc posted you can only disable all splash or enable all splash. So the suggestion is really over as negative splash will probably never be allowed, thus positive wont ether, due to the coding of the game. RagMan
...I think z1967's point nullifies your point though... if the spawn of the Mining World is an invincible zone, then adding splash potions to the Mining World is a great idea! Now all those campers with diamond armor will have to watch out because even a builder could make a couple Instant Damage Potions and be more of a match against the campers. Splash potions are a good part of the game but I understand how they are too dangerous in the Main World. I don't see why they should be excluded from the Mining World though.
This will probably not happen due to negative splash potions would defeat the purpose of pro 4, because all the negative potions make pro 4 completely useless. (Aka Harming Potions)
You can hit people who are outside of the safe zone while it it. That's what he meant. You can just sit there in the safe zone and hurl harming potions at them. Instant damage potions will never come back, they completely ruined PvP. Nobody enjoyed PvP'ing against people who just spammed potions and it ruined PvP entirely. In protection IV, instant damage potions were 4 hit kills.