Minecraft IGN: RailefBear Description: Hi! I would like to report a bug (sort of). I was at my spawn shop (Station38) then I logged off to check something on Single Player, I logged in 5 minutes later and died as soon as I did. I was able to recover the stuff in my inventory by TPing back to Station38 ASAP, but of course I didt get my exp (which I don't know how much I had, I don't think it was much though). I'm mainly reporting this not to get the exp back, but to maybe initiate an investigation so this doesn't happen to anybody else. Instructions: I guess: Log out and then back in (?) Can't really give specific instructions. Evidence: I don't really have much evidence about this because I obviously wasn't expecting this to happen to take a screenshot prior to the event. But I did take 1 after it so maybe you could track the events to that time frame and see what caused the sudden death. Thank you for your time and hopefully this was an isolated event and not something that could/will happen to others!
I believe the command was enabled but I wasn't flying when I did. I also thought about this and tried to recreate it in different combinations but none worked: - fly enabled, standing on the floor => log off, back in - fly enabled, flying close to ground => - fly enabled, flying higher - fly disabled I tried these and also in different places that i thought could have been where i was standing before logging off (trying to look for the exact one to see if it was something specific to that block)
Didn't work, i thought it would though, since i was like stuck in the middle of the block in the ground
Nope, i just logged in and died right away. When the screen of "You died" or something like that came up i was at my spawn shop, on the surface =/
A similar thing happened to me this morning as well. As soon as I logged on, I instantly lost 5.5 hearts. I made sure that I was on the ground when I had logged off earlier and I wasn't flying or suffocating between blocks (I have water+) either. I cannot recreate this bug but in global larene mentioned that she had experienced a similar situation before. I will report back when I find a way to recreate this bug..