i am looking for suggestions for what i can have in my spawn shop that sell good. i own spawn shop 65 blue side right , so plz check if i already have it first. the items will be in floor 2. i look for 4 new items to add accept everything exccept potions. i give this prices: 2.5k each item you suggestion and win! the winners are easy choosen by: most profit easy to craft/get sell good following format below format: ign: item: suggested price each : why you think people would buy it: i will choose winner by friday-sunday once (i will post on this thread when closed for new suggestions) (note feel free pm me on forum if some big grammar fail)
Well, I would just like to say two theses. You do not need to reward me unless you think I deserve it. Have a publoc enchanting spot ( Bookshelves in semi circle) and a crafting bench. I sometimes need to craft something and there is not a single crafting table for use in like three shops! ign: scottmichaelj item: Quarts, of all sorts suggested price each : Block:$10, Pillar:$10, Chiseled Block: $11 why you think people would buy it: People are now using Quarts for all sorts of things. Very popular! ign: scottmichaelj item: Exp suggested price each: 825 (Full Set) for about $950 or so. why you think people would buy it: People are constantly enchanting stuff. Just interested, don't have the money, what would you say your shop value is, AKA selling it to someone?
ign: knears200 item: Nether stars suggested price each : $330 each for buying and $350 for selling why you think people would buy it: Big market for it and most people look at top floor spawn shops first.
ign: bhwebworld item: glowstone block suggested price each : 2.50 why you think people would buy it: glowstone is used a lot
ign: 12345shane item: diamonds suggested price each : $25-30 why you think people would buy it: Because these are fairly good priced ign: 12345shane item: gold suggested price each : $12-15 why you think people would buy it: Most people sell gold for $13, so if you sell it for $12 more people will buy ign: 12345shane item: emeralds suggested price each : $50-100 (Not sure about the current prices but whatevs) why you think people would buy it: Emeralds are sought after ign: 12345shane item: bones suggested price each : $1-2 why you think people would buy it: Bones are used for everything farming somehow, and if they are cheap enough you will sell lots ign: 12345shane item: gunpowder suggested price each : $40-50 why you think people would buy it: Gunpowder is used in tnt and fireworks mostly and people like to have fun with tnt in the nether and fireworks in mainworld ign: 12345shane item: Obsidian suggested price each : $3-5 why you think people would buy it: If your obsidian is cheap enough people like to use this for protecting their horses or decoration or anything, so yeah ign: 12345shane item: books/bookshelves suggested price each : $5 per book, $30-35 per bookshelf why you think people would buy it: People like these for enchanting tables
check if i already have it BEFORE you post plz but thanks for suggestions. will choose winners tommorow (22/09/2013) so keep post suggestions