So confused! (n00b)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Walgeon, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. Walgeon

    Walgeon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Aug 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Hi all. I have been on this server a few days now but am really lost and confused. I have some questions I am really hoping some of you help me with.

    1. I need somewhere to safely story my items.
    - Issue. I am in the mining world and am told I need to go to the Main World to be able to use /cvprivate. Well I am not 100% where this Main World is. Is it in one of them many portals that take me to the different towns? I went into some and am not sure.
    I followed the Black path but found no portal saying Main World.

    2. How do auctions work?
    - I have some items I wish to sell and am sure I would get more if I sold them to users instead of the server. I have no idea how this works... Do I just sell in chat? Is this how it works?

    3. Buying some land
    With so many towns or city's how do I know which to buy with? I was so lost in this portal room. I have no time to look at them all.

    I am new to Minecraft but have played many other games. I am just so lost when I get into these portal rooms.

    Any help would be great. I like the ideas behind this server so hope I can stay.
  2. michigan42

    michigan42 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    May 28, 2013
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    If you want I can show you what to do when I get back on thursday or you can ask some people in game
  3. Walgeon

    Walgeon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Aug 5, 2013
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    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I have asked but I always get "Go to main world" and as I have no idea what this main world really is (I can guess) I have no idea what to do. I have walked around for awhile and just got lost :p

    It is very daunting for me.
  4. michigan42

    michigan42 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    May 28, 2013
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    Ya I was a little confused when I first started so its perfectly natural also do you want me to show you around on thursday
  5. Aero_Trident

    Aero_Trident Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jan 12, 2013
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    1. By typing "/spawn" you should be taken to the beginning of the mining world, then walk through the portal that should be right next to you. Then once you are through the portal, type "/spawn" once more, and you'll be at the center of the mainworld of ECC.

    The main world is the first place you spawn in, basically you'll see a bunch of people around the center of it too.
    Where you see all of the different wool paths that's leading you to different parts

    2. Tbh, you're better off using the trade chat instead, type "/ch tr" and you'll be able to talk in the trade chat. Basically say the item, what it is/how many and the price you're looking for, or ask for them to pm you with offers.

    With Auction though "/ch auc" to type, say the item and amount, and a starting price
    Tell them in that to say "@item" so you know they're offering on your item, not someone elses

    Ex: "Auctioning 64 dirt, starting at 10! use @dirt to bid"
    Every time someone makes a bid just type the number they bid and heard right after
    Ex: "50 heard"

    Then just do the once... twice!!... last calls? SOLD!

    and say something like "Winner PM me"
    usually you'll either get teleported, or you'll meet at the /spawn and you'll go to an open spot

    To pay someone:
    /pay insertnamehere ###

    Ex: /pay Aero_Trident 250

    3. With the owning land part
    As a builder, the most you can own is a plot at someones place, usually they'll advertise in in the trade chat
    Pm someone who's advertising plots by typing: @insertnamehere
    then type asking for more info/to see the place.

    After the starter rank (builder) is Resident, not much changes except you get a few perks (refer to the ecc wiki)
    This costs 15k and once you have the amount, go onto the forums and look for the appropriate application forum.
    To own your own larger piece of land you need to become a Mayor, which costs 85k, but you must be a resident first

    Look in the forums for the appropriate area for each of them and be sure to fill them out accordingly, messing up results in a fine

    If you have any other questions or I skipped over something too fast, just reply back
  6. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    When you first logged into the server, you were in the Main World. If you leave the Mining world, use /spawn. That is the main world (the portals, spawn shops, users everywhere, etc.)

    People tell users to start out in the Mining World... I disagree with this on all levels. However, it can be difficult to find Wild space in the Main World. Once in /spawn, you will need to leave from one of the four sides (and navigate through the towns, straight through them, if possible) to find any Wild. Your best bet would be to ask in /ch global kindly if someone can fly out to the wild somewhere and teleport you (then you can use /sethome to save the area).

    Once you have somewhere in the Wild to build (people will probably grief you, until you find a town to live in), you can protect your chests with the /lwc commands. To find a town, though, you can use /ch trade and ask every 3-5 minutes that you are looking to buy a plot in a town.

    Auctions in /ch auction can be tricky and require you to really watch and keep up. Watch people do it for a bit, or ask in Global chat - I am sure someone can guide you through it. :) (You can use the Trade channel, too, for flat sales and negotiations.)

    EDIT: Also, when doing trades and auctions - always take screenshots of agreements and money transactions, to avoid getting scammed. :)
    #6 MsMoofin, Aug 7, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013
  7. Walgeon

    Walgeon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Aug 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    if you could message me in game i'd be happy. i am just doing what i can for now.
  8. SnDxCH4RG3R

    SnDxCH4RG3R |Technical Tycoon|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    These are not noob questions, we've all been there.

    The mainworld is the world that you first spawned in when you joined ECC. Its where all the portals to market, nether, towns, mining world, and aether are. To get there from the mining world do /spawn, walk through the portal at miningworld spawn and then do /spawn you should see the big Emerald ECC sign and ALOT of people.

    Towns are in the mainworld and you would want to join some..I will elaborate on this for your third question.

    Auctions are in the auction chat, to get there do /ch auc once there you will see people selling such as "Selling 30 diamonds starting at 400" then if you wanted it you would say 400 @diamonds. Then other may bid you up or not. But once the prices stall (people stop bidding) the auctioneer will say I hear 400 for 30 diamonds g1
    then he will say g2 then either g3 or sold (if he/she says g3 then he will say "sold!" soon)(g1= going once, g2=going twice, g3=going thrice). Once you win an auction you are required to buy what you bid for. So don't make fake bids, it's illegal. But yes, once an auction is completed /msg the person who was selling and then arrange to meet up somehwere to do the trade.

    And towns. A good towns consists of active users and owners, helpful people, decent prices, public farms, a portal, and rules. Most land is prices like this
    10x10 = $1000
    20x20 = $4000
    30x30 = $9000
    But its not too hard to find something for less. Just ask around in /ch tr and once they tp you or you get to their town, just start asking about stuff that interest you (ie: do you have farms? Where are your rules and what are they?). If you need any help ingame, I can sell you plots, or tp you if you need it after a trade or anything just let me know. I hope this answers any questions and if not feel free to re-ask, I may have been unclear somewhere. :p
