(I was not in-game when Andrew asked for suggestions - I am going by what other have said in all the latest suggestions.) A new town, in a fairly town-empty part of the map (check static map), that is a part of spawn like the user market and tutorial island. This town would be the "Games / Contests / Competitions" town, or whatever would be a good name. There would be the snipe box (or a couple of them, maybe with different designs) and things like the old gift box (room where items are thrown, users run around to get them). Although stuff such as the chicken killing cannot be done anymore, it would be a town for any game-like giveaway that Andrew feels like doing at the time. As well, this town would have a simple style/theme to it (could be another user competition/find a user and pay them/find volunteers) similar to spawn, but without all the laggy things (signs, portals, so on). This would allow for a nice appearance and not a barren town - lag would not be an issue, either, or at least not nearly as bad as spawn. Having a simple town style could also allow for things like scavenger hunts, which could be another type of giveaway (we had a couple of these in the past, with Andrew posting hints). Other things could be thought up, too - not sure what, though - and some could even be user-usable, like the snipe box, allowing for more community gathering. This is just a...rough idea, that also kind of trailed off into something else/something bigger (sorry about that). Build upon it how you will - suggestions, opinions, etc. Note on teleporting/getting there: There would be a portal in spawn and/or a warp, and Andrew could always teleport everyone there when he hosts something. Note on lag: No matter what happens, a lot of users will cause lag. That is inevitable. Snipe box should not be limited to people, either. However, in a town far from other towns, that has very few signs (especially trade signs), and little to no portals, lag will be greatly reduced. As well, no large lava/water structures or mass-growing crops. Note on construction: We have some great builders on ECC (builders, not Builders - lol), and I think even voluntarily (their own materials and no pay), a simple town could be made. As well, it could be by specific hire (like spawn buildings have been) or by Staff.
We could call this Game town "EcoCity" and another idea for a game in it would be an obsidian box with a glass parkour course inside!
Disable fly in that town Also, just a suggestion, there should be a 50 x 50 or whatever sized area in one corner / part of the town for minerun that would be caged off in a few layers of glass or obsidian (etc., etc..) so that Andrew doesn't have to create a random space in the mining world whenever he is hosting minerun. It would have a separate protection zone overtop of it, of course. Just a suggestion , let me know if it's terrible lol.
Well Moof, this is a fantastic idea. If we did it right, we could have a very little lag fun area. Maybe add some fun random games in there, a parkour course, etc. Gotta say, I would love to help build this. Revanrose6