Slow Pixel's Treasure Hunt!Every Tuesday! Hello everyone I have a new game mode up and ready to be played on Tuesday. The game is called Slow Pixel's Treasure Hunt, Just like the title reads. The game works like this: Players pay me 500 for a Key I have (A book with passwords in it) the key of course unlocks the treasure chest. Inside the chest will range from any where $3,000+. To locate the treasure I will have scattered signs through out one of the build worlds leaving clues or coordinates. Some my even take you to bonus chest. There are 4 types of object you will find:1: Treasure Chest your main goal, get there before anyone else does.2:~SP~ Signs, these signs are real and are locked by me, they Help you along the way. Trust these.3: Bogus signs, These nasty little devils will get you lost if you are not careful.4: Bonus chests, just some random items to give to those who locate them. They are hidden along your journey. Along the way you may run into, mazes, Parkour, riddles, puzzles, and much much more. This will happen every Tuesday from now on. Tuesday at 12:00 A.M CST If you have any questions please go ahead and ask them. Good Luck Treasure Hunters!~SP~
Well... Someone can buy the book with the passwords from you and tell others what the passwords are...
I know, And if they do I can't stop them sadly. But You can be a treasure hunter or a pirate. Stop others from reaching the goal, I didn't put any rules down so its anything goes. But fare warning you will need the book and another hint i did not warn others about After all don't want to spoil the fun.